Estimating Water Flux in a Granitic Aquifer from Temperate Profile Measurements in Borewells of a Hard Rock Region, India

Electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature logging were carried out in 25 borewells/piezometers in a hard rock region of Telangana, India at an interval of 1 and 2 m right from the water table till the bottom of the borewell to study the fracture zones at different depths and to recognize temperature variation with depths. The vertical component of the water flux in 25 borewells was calculated using the temperature profile measurements in these borewells by applying the heat convection and conduction equation and taking into account the volumetric heat capacity of water and the thermal conductivity of rocks (in the present study, granite). It was found that the water flux ranges from 4 to 30 mm/year, which shows significant large variation from one location to other. It was also observed using the temperature measurements at the surface (from the temperature recorded at the meteorological station) that the temperature at depths is not affected by the variations at the surface, which confirms the reliability of vertical velocity/flow rate determination.

Water Flux in mm/year in a borewells using Thermal Conductivity obtained from QP model

Citation: Dewashish Kumar, 2021, JOURNAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA Vol.97, pp.900-906, DOI: 10.1007/s12594-021-1789-9