Chief Scientist , Geology
Structural Geology, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing
Dr. Anand K. Pandey received M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Geology from the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He conducted Ph.D. and post-doctoral research at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, and the Department of Geology, ETH Zentrum, Zurich. He has been Adjunct Faculty at Dept. of Geological Sciences, SDSU, San Diego, CA-USA during 2010-2011.
He is trying to understand the structural architecture and geodynamics evolution of Himalaya and other orogenic belts, aspects of neotectonics, including tectonic-geomorphology, active fault mapping, and paleoseismology (including liquefaction-induced soft sediment deformation and their trigger mechanism) in various tectonic settings.
His group is employing numerical modeling of landscape to understand tectonic-climate interaction in large-scale terrain evolution, localization of erosion-landslide, and associated hazards. The D/P-InSAR-based ground deformation due to hydrological changes, landslides, active faulting, and volcanism is another domain of investigation in his group.
He is exploring shallow sub-surface processes through geomorphic, sedimentological and engineering geological aspects using GPR & MASWA imaging (of civic resource/infrastructure, archeological-heritage sites) to understand hazards.
2022 Prof. K S. Valdiya Memorial Award-2021 of the Indian Society of Earthquake
Sciences (ISES)
2010-2011 Raman Research Fellowship of CSIR, India.
1998-2000 Guest studentship of the Swiss Federal Government
1993 Qualified Joint UGC-CSIR NET test for Junior Research Fellowship and
Lectureship eligibility in India
Thesis title: Active deformation in mo