Dr. Sunil Kumar Roy

Scientist , Earthquake Hazard

Dr. Sunil Kumar Roy


Academic Identity



Research Area

Dr. Sunil K. Roy received his Ph.D from Osmania University, Hyderabad, in 2016. As a postdoctoral fellow, he visited the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, for a year (2017-2018). Dr. Roy research interest lies in characterizing the crustal and mantle anisotropy, and inferring the deep mantle and CMB structure. He worked extensively in understanding the past and present mantle deformation in the stable and actively deformed regions of the Indian continental plate and subduction regions. One of his significant contribution involves finding evidence for azimuthal anisotropy in the D’’ layer beneath Southeastern Asia. Another significant contribution involves marking the edge and thickness of western Pacific LLSVP.

Ongoing Research Projects

Honors & Awards


  1. Roy, S. K., Shashidhar, D., 2023. Spatial variation in the crustal deformation pattern in the Koyna-Warna region, western India using shear wave splitting. Geophy. J. Int. 235, 1339-1352.
  2. Nanajee, U., Roy, S. K., Kumar, M.R. 2022. Spatial variation of crustal anisotropy in the Arunachal Himalaya inferred from splitting of local S waveforms. J. Asian Earth Sci. 234, 105278.
  3. Roy, S. K., Kumar, M. R., Srinagesh, D., 2021. Mantle deformation beneath India inferred from shear wave splitting. Geol. Soc. India, 97, 1200-1206.
  4. Roy, S. K., Srinagesh, D., Suresh, G., Srinivas, D., 2021. Seismicity and Disparate deformation of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Doda-Kisthwar region, NW Himalaya. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 310, 106635.
  5. Roy, S. K., Takeuchi, N., Srinagesh, D., Kumar, M. R., Kawakatsu, H., 2019. Topography of the western Pacific LLSVP constrained by S wave multipathing. Geophy. J. Int. 218, 190-199.
  6. Saikia, D., Kumar, M. R., Singh, A., Roy, S. K., Raju, P. S., Lyngdoh, A. C., 2018. Mantle deformation in Eastern Himalaya, Burmese arc and adjoining regions. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 19, 4420-4432.
  7. Roy, S. K., Kumar, M. R., Srinagesh, D., 2017. Anisotropy in subduction zones: Insights from new source side S-wave splitting measurements from India. J. Geophy. Res.: Solid Earth. 122, 6454-6472.
  8. Roy, S.K., Kumar, M.R., Bhaskar Rao, Y.J., Srijayanthi, G., Srinagesh, D., Satyanarayana, H.V., Sarkar, D., 2016. Imprints of diverse mantle deformational episodes in the Cauvery Suture Zone, South India. Precambrian Res. 278, 207-217.
  9. Roy, S.K., Kumar, M.R., Srinagesh, D., 2014. Upper and lower mantle anisotropy inferred from comprehensive SKS and SKKS splitting measurements from India. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 392, 192-206.
  10. Roy, S.K., Srinagesh, D., Saikia, D., Singh, A., Kumar, M.R., 2012. Seismic anisotropy beneath the Eastern Dharwar Craton. Lithosphere 4(4), 259-268.


Research Scholars

Educational Qualification


Proffessional Experience

Proffessional Affiliations

Life Member: Indian Society of Earthquake Science (ISES), India

Member:         American Geophysical Union (AGU), USA

                          Japan Geophysical Union (JpGU), Japan